Can you send Eelctone (STAGEA) Registration data through email?

Unfortunately, We can not send Registration data with email.
There are few reasons that we can not transfer this data through email or other online transfer.
1) This Electone Registration data has copy guard protection.
We must download the data from "Yamaha music soft downloader" 
Otherwise data will cause corruption.
This is the main reason that we can not attach this registration data on email.
2) STAGEA users need to use specified USB that YAMAHA suggested on their web site.
Some of the USB won't work on STAGEA.
So YAMAHA is listed few specific USB on their web site that they confirmed it's working on the STAGEA.
When you used  random USB and if it's not work YAMAHA customer support can't help it and we can not give you further advise to fix the problem.
Above reasons, We are selling STAGEA Electone registration data through postage with USB.
YAMAHA STAGEA compatible USB's list.

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