Hi Taro,
I got my two Electone books on Wednesday and the DDeck on Friday. Thank you very much for the effort!
There are few things I learned in the process that I can share with you in case if you have customers from the CA state. First, I wasn't asked to pay tax at the delivery. The day before the DDeck shipment, the FedEx called me to fill in and sign a "CBP 5106" custom form. Second, the five pieces in the shipment didn't come all together. The bench box was released later at Custom and is currently at the FedEx location to be shipped. So far I assembled the four pieces together, waiting for the bench and the power converter to be arrived on Monday. Lastly, it takes five days for EMS and four days for FedEx (exclude the last piece) to arrive from Japan to the San Francisco bay area.

( Purchased item : D-deck Package with Power converter)
(Updated on 1st March 2017)
Hi Taro,
How are you? Since you posted my comment on your web site last year, I'd like update additional information regarding to the tax. After the US Customs released my purchased DDeck, I received a statement about a month later to pay tax to the customs broker/U.S. Customs port of entry. This was the import fees/duties. The U.S. Customs also reported to the state of California where I live. Now into 2017, it's time to file the 2016 tax return. I received a statement from California to pay California use tax. It's similar to sales tax but applies to purchases made from out-of-state retailers. Based on my location, it's 9.5%. So, I guess that is the whole story to complete the transaction, for your information and to update my earlier comment.
Best regards,
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