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(Last update: 2024-07-18)

As per our policy, we would like to disclose how many back orders we currently have, and we would like to have transparency for our customers who are waiting for their purchased items. 


As of today, the current shipping schedule is estimated as follows

Model   Estimated date to delivery date after your order/payment. Last Update (When you order this date)
ELS-02X (Professional) Please ask   
ELS-02C (Customs)  2-3 weeks  
ELC-02 (Casual)  2-3 weeks  
Yamaha Trumpet Tuba (Build to order models)  1-2 months  2024-06-23
Yamaha Custom Tuba (Build to order models) 5-7 months  
Yamaha Custom Flute (Build to order models) 2-5 months  
SLB300 YAMAHA Silent Bass  2-3 months  
Yamaha Custom Horn (Build to order models) 5-6 months   
Yamaha Custom Clarinet  (Build to order models) 4-6 weeks   
Yamaha YFG-812/812C Basoon 1 year half to 2 years  
VC20G YAMAHA Braviol Cello Braviol 3-4 months  2024-05-24
YAMAHA YFL-B441 Flute 11 - 12 months  2024-06-12
PTP RHEMURAMATSU Flute  September ~ October 2025  2024-06-12
PTP RHE str MURAMATSU  Flute July ~ August 2025  2024-06-12
GX RCE MURAMATSU  Flute January 2025   2024-07-18
 DS RCE MURAMATSU  Flute  January 2025  2024-07-18
 DS RCE str MURAMATSU  Flute  June ~July 2025  2024-07-18



 Here is our waiting list and we are going to ship from the top in order. 

Queue Model Destination Customer Initial Order/Payment date  Received at our store Number of days since the order to we received
18 YFL-B441 YAMAHA Bass Flute Australia L.R 2024-07-09 TBA TBA (Estemated: July 2025.)
17 V25GA YAMAHA Violin Braviol Singapore J.Y 2024-07-07 TBA TBA (Estimated: October-November) 
16   YCL-631II (E♭)(E flat) YAMAHA Alto Clarinet - Posted France   F.M   2024-04-19  2024-05-21   33
 15   SLB300 YAMAHA Silent Bass - Posted Singapore  S.S   2024-01-31 2024-03-25 55
14 YFB-822 (Clear lacquer)    Taiwan  Rachel. H  2024-01-26 TBA  TBA (Estimated: June-July) 
13  YSS-875EXHGS (Silver Plating) YAMAHA Soprano Saxophone Custome EX - Posted  USA R.H 2023-11-22  2023-12-31 39
12 YAMAHA Vita-rise Unit ELSU-V02X - Posted  France M.M   2023-11-16  2024-03-20  126
11  SLB300 YAMAHA Silent Bass - Posted USA   K.T 2023-11-15  2023-12-26  41 
 10  SLB300 YAMAHA Silent Bass - Posted  France  F.M  2023-08-31  2023-10-03 34 
 9 YBH-831S YAMAHA Britone Horn - Posted  USA  J.S 2023-06-17   2023-07-05 19
 8   FGC-802N Yamaha Hard case for YFG-812 Bassoon -Posted  USA E.L  2023-06-06   2023-08-11 66
7 ELS-02C (Custom) - Posted Germany C.T 2023-05-24 2023-06-15 22
6 ELS-02X (Professional) - Posted Canada  C.L 2023-04-26 2023-06-12 47
5 ELS-02X  (Professional) - Posted Spain P.H 2023-01-28 2023-04-28 90
4 ELS-02C (Custom- Posted Spain J.M 2022-11-30 2023-04-27 149
3 ELS-02C (Custom- Posted Austria W.U 2022-09-27 2023-04-04 189
2 ELS-02X (Professional) - Posted Indonesia L.L 2022-12-06 2023-03-28 112 
1 ELS-02X (Professional)-Posted  Australia  C.W  2022-08-3    2022-12-05  94  


We apologize for this delay.  

Taro Ogata

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